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Time tracking app for healthcare

Serving Special Needs Children and Families

Featuring - Robyns Grace Recuperative Care Inc


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Jennifer Asare, CEO and Administrator of Robyns Grace Recuperative Care in Torrance, California, is a registered nurse whose early career provided her experience in pediatric, emergency, critical care nursing, and case management. To say she understands the needs of children with complex conditions, their parents and caregivers is an understatement. Jennifer not only understands, she genuinely cares about making a difference in the journey of families attempting to navigate the healthcare system and find the support they need for children with special needs.

As Jennifer explains, “Every parent wishes and prays for a healthy child, but the sad reality is that many children are born sick, with life-altering conditions such as cerebral palsy, seizure disorder and developmental delays requiring complex treatments.” These include feeding tubes, tracheostomies, ventilators, wound care, and supplemental oxygen monitoring and more.

Although hospitals provide parents with basic training, many are overwhelmed by their role as medical caregivers and need additional support. In California, state financial support is available to these families but there are no organizations solely dedicated to patient advocacy, nursing care, and caregiver education. Fueled by her passion to make a difference in sick kids’ lives, Jennifer opened Robyns Grace Recuperative Care in 2018 to fill this need.

employee-link-featured-company-5 Aaron E. Carroll, a contributing writer for the New York Times and professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, recognizes that caregivers face significant economic loss and stress when they assume the role of a caregiver. In his article, “The “Gaping Hole” of Caregiving”, Carroll explained that although Americans spend considerable time debating health care, very little attention is given to the hardship of those who function as caregivers. The efforts of caregivers, says Carroll, are likely of equal importance to health as the drugs and procedures of the medical system and he notes that even “rides to the hospital are care” and monitoring the ill at home requires the same amount of care as it does in hospital. Although government policy change is required to recognize the financial impact on caregivers, Robyns Grace Recuperative Care works to address the gaping hole in human resources, education, advocacy and respite for those struggling to cope with sick children.

Jennifer receives countless calls every day from hospitals, social workers, teachers, doctors, foster and biological parents; the need far exceeds capacity, so she continues to recruit caring, medically-trained consultants to enlarge her team. Her team of nurse consultants use Employee Link to clock in and out of work each day and we’re proud to tag along as they spend their days, and nights, improving others’ lives.

Busy doesn’t come close to describing Jennifer’s days... not only does she manage a growing company but she and her fiancé, Burnell, also provide care for medically fragile children. She knows firsthand what services her clients need most and her team is trained and equipped to deliver them. RGRC nurse consultants train foster parents, caregivers and families how to use essential medical equipment and teach skills for managing personal care. As case managers, they develop personalized wellness plans for their clients and provide liaison between clients and their medical providers, county social service agencies, and pharmacies. They assist with transportation referrals, accompany patients to healthcare appointments, advocate for optimum treatment and communication, and conduct medication reviews in consultation with physicians and pharmacists. When parents need a break from the demands of caregiving, Jennifer’s team offers short-term respite care, and also private nursing care. Of course, medical daycares for sick children are available in California but Robyns Grace Recuperative Care goes beyond such services to help families navigate the often daunting journey of complex care.

Caring for a chronically ill child is one of the most draining and difficult tasks a parent can face. When a child is sick, family dynamics, routines and parental attention to healthy siblings are affected. In cases where parents struggle with addiction, depression or other mental and/or physical disorders themselves, the challenges of caring for a chronically ill child may prove beyond their ability to cope. Sadly, in some cases, the child may become a ward of the court and be housed in a residential shelter. There, although staff do their best, children often don’t receive continuity of care or enough hugs and “TLC”.


Most potential adoptive or foster parents want a healthy child and many are apprehensive about the monumental challenges of parenting a child with autism, depression, epilepsy or other disorders. Jennifer knows that parenting these kids can bring great joy and rewards and to prospective families, she says “If you have the heart, the home, and the love for a child with special needs, we can help you!”

Why does she do this challenging and emotionally difficult work? The owner of Robyns Grace Recuperative Care admits there are many other ways to make a living in this world but says, “I love my work because I know I’m making a difference in a child’s life... and that’s priceless”. That’s not a bumper sticker phrase for Jennifer Asare, it’s a heart and soul commitment!

Although Jennifer’s company is rooted in compassion for less fortunate children, it remains a business with recruiting, training, payroll and countless other administrative tasks to manage. In the past, Jennifer tried several timesheet tracking and mobile team management apps, but eventually selected Employee Link because it was the “simplest and most straightforward to use”. Her team is constantly on the road, working variable shifts, including overnight caregiving and, often, overtime hours.

Employee Link details are now included in RGRC’s onboarding package; staff are asked to download the app and register with a code delivered to them by text, email or in-person. They are then linked with Jennifer, who can view, in real time, who’s clocked in to work, their GPS location, and the time they clock out for the day. The GPS location details ensure the owner’s payroll is based on accurate hours/ minutes worked, not estimates or inflated reporting, such as when an employee clocks in from the freeway, 5-10 minutes before arriving at the job, or when they return home at the end of their shift. Now, Jennifer has certainty that her staff are legitimately onsite when their time clock starts ticking (and the company starts paying wages.)

“The selling feature of this app is that I’m always in the know - I can accurately see what’s going on with my mobile team.”

- Jennifer

On payday, Jennifer relies on the pay period summary of each employee’s hours, with gross earnings calculated by the app. And the nurse consultants who use the app every day on the job… how do they feel about Employee Link? Jennifer explains that because “the app is so self-explanatory and user-friendly, it works well for staff who are less tech-savvy”. She likes it because it simplifies her payroll and links her to her mobile team. Her team likes it because it’s quick and easy to use.

Jennifer Asare and Robyns Grace Recuperative Care work to transform the lives of chronically ill children and their caregivers.

Employee Link is proud to work with Robyns Grace Recuperative Care, simplifying time tracking, payroll and mobile team management for a company with professionalism and a big heart.

Find out how Employee Link can transform your mobile team management - start your free, no obligation free trial today.

Robyns Grace Recuperative Care Inc

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